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Showing posts from March, 2017

अमृतवचन उगादी

उगादी  परम पूज्यनीय डॉ. जी का अमृतवचन : हिंदुओं को यह तीव्र  आभास कराना होगा की वे एक संसक्तिशील समाज हैं।  एक राष्ट्र की अवधारणा उनके ह्रदय में उत्कीर्ण करनी होगी । उन्हें एक दूसरे से स्नेह रखना होगा और अपने राष्ट्र को चरम उत्कर्ष पर ले जाने का लक्ष्य सबको रखना होगा । यही एकमात्र सकारात्मक और चिरस्थाई रास्ता है जो  राष्ट्र को पुनरुत्कर्ष की और ले जाता है और यही संघ कार्य है ।

Book Review : Eminent Historians by Arun Shourie

A Characteristic concoction 'Rational vs National' screamed the headline of the new pall bearer of secularism, the magazine Outlook. 'Fresh evidence available with Outlook reveals that not only has the ICHR been packed with 'sympathizers' the story announced 'but a new statement of objectives or resolution has been added, changing certain key words from original memorandum of Association of 1972, legitimized by an Act of Parliament. While the original Memorandum of Association states that ICHR's aims would be to give "rational" direction to historical research and foster "an objective and scientific writing of history" the new resolution which will be included in the Gazette of India, states that ICHR now seeks to give a "national" direction to an "objective and national presentation of history". So "rational" has been changed to "national" and "scientific" too has been changed to ...

Book Review : Eminent Historians by Arun Shourie

Introduction: Real crime of these eminences does not lie in the loss they have inflicted in terms of money. It lies in the condition to which they have reduced institutions. It lies in their dereliction - because of which projects that were important for our country, have languished. It lies even more in the use to which they have put those institutions. But the worst of it is that  they have used their control of these institutions to pervert public discourse and thereby derail public policy. They have made India out to have been an empty land filled by successive invaders. They have made present day India and Hinduism, even more so, out to be a zoo- an agglomeration of assorted disparate specimens. They have belittled our ancient culture and exaggerated syncretistic elements which survived and made them out to have been an entire 'culture', the 'composite culture' as they call it. And all the while, they have taken care to hide the central facts about these com...