And I read it in the news paper as well. It was the same one sided story that we have been shown and made to read again and again and with this ongoing media hijacking the news, people are left with no authentic source of information. After all, mediacroocks does have credence. The anti-national elements, who should be been sued for sedition have taken cover of freedom of expression and played the victim and the actual victims who have been suffering for decades, were sent to jail. One of the leading "page 3" daily, though some people call it news paper as well, reported that people don't have tolerance to accept alternative views and this intolerence is creating a dangerous society. It is worth noting and analysing as this seems a very geniune concern. So for the benefit of the readers I would try to list out few points where toleration of every Indian is expected: 1. Tolerate the intruder like imager of Indian army in its own country. 2. Toler...